Yorba Linda High School Men's Volleyball
2024 YHLS Men's Spirit Wear

The online store is active, and the families can place their orders only until Friday, February 7th at 11:59 pm PST. We encourage families to purchase the following items:
Player Package:
T-Shirt 1: Navy T-Shirt
T-Shirt 2: Grey T-Shirt
Game Day Polo
Long Sleeve Game Day Warm-Up
If a player has the game day polo from last season, they do not need to purchase a new one for this season.
Player Package
Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to get backpacks, as those would take too long. I know that's super disappointing and we will do better next year! Additionally, due to the quick turnaround of the merchandise, all the items will be ala carte, to accommodate both new and returning players.
Parent Spirit Wear / Additional Items:
This will be the only opportunity for parents to purchase parent spirit wear. Families can purchase additional items for their children (such as sweatshirts). If you have any questions, please email me here!! If you have a question for Coach Hart, you can get him directly at danielhart798@gmail.com